*** Spicy Codfish Stew ***
~ Ebba's Korean Spicy Codfish Stew (대구 매운탕) ~
- ingredients -
* 24 oz (1.5 lb) skinless cod fillets, (cut to 2.5x4 inches, or any sizes)
* 8 large whole shrimps (12 medium), (devein and cleaned)
* 14 oz tofu, (cut to 2/3 x 2/3 x 2/3 inches)
* 4 green onions, (cut to 4 inches)
* 6 oz zucchinis, (cut long vertical cross and cut 1/2 inch horizontally)
* 6 oz radish (peeled)
* 2 medium onions, (sliced)
* 8 cloves large garlic, (minced)
* 1 thin sliced ginger
* 8 dried medium anchovies (removed intestines)
* 1/2 piece of dried shiitake mushrooms
* 2 small pieces of dried kelf
* 5 Tbsp soy sauce
* 2 Tbsp dried red hot pepper power
* 1~2 tsp sea salt
* 2 Tbsp milin
* 1 Tbsp Beef Dasida (optional)
* 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
* 8 cups water
- Cooking Instructions -
A. Base Soup
1. Pour 8 cups water into large pot.
2. Add 4 cloves minced garlic, 1 sliced of onion, 1 thin sliced ginger, 1 cut green onion, 8 anchovies, 1/2 dried shiitake mushrooms, 2 small pieces kelf and 6 oz whole radish.
3. Add 3 Tbsp soy sauce, 2 Tbsp dried red hot pepper power and 1 tsp sea salt.
4. Cover the lid and bring to a boil high heat.
5. When it starts to boil, cook it over medium heat for 30 minutes and than turn off the heat.
6. Move the radish to cutting board, place the soup in large bowl through a sieve and filter only the soup. (Very hot!! Be careful~)
B. Spicy Codfish Stew
1. Cut radish, long vertical cross and cut 1/2 inch horizontally
2. Pour the base soup into a large pot.
3. Add 4 cloves minced garlic, 1 sliced onion, cut zucchinis, cut tofu and boil it 10 minutes.
4. Add cut cods, cut radishes, 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp beef dasida, 2 Tbsp milin and boil it 8~10 minutes.
5. Add cleaned shrimps, cut 3 green onions and boil it 4~5 minutes.
6. Turn off heat, add 1/4 tsp black peppers.
WOW~~ ! Enjoy~~~ ^v^